Go Vap, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Hi there! My name is Peter, and I am a Front-end developer with a passion for creating beautiful and functional websites. I have experience with ReactJS and NextJS. I'm always looking for new challenges and opportunities to grow my skills, and I love collaborating with others to bring ideas to life. Whether it's building a responsive layout or optimizing website performance, I'm always up for the task. Let's create something amazing together!


Website Developer

Jan 2023 - Current


    Collecting client requirements and developing appropriate plans for the project.
    Selecting UI designs and initializing project setups
    Ensuring websites are responsive and compatible with various browsers and devices.
    Enhancing product performance and optimizing for SEO.

Main technologies used: NextJS (Page Router), Tailwind, Prisma

MindX Technology School

Oct 2023 - Jan 2024

Teacher Assistant

    Hosting trial classes
    Support main lecture: helping student's homework, apperance check

Main technologies used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Balan Coffee & Roastery

June - Oct 2023

Fullstack Web Developer

    Build an official website that includes an e-commerce section for the coffee business.
    Take responsibility for discussing with the designer the user interface
    Evaluate requirements and assign tasks to other members
    Monitor, check and evaluate the work of other members
    Analyze the project to make appropriate improvements and changes
    Report work progress or problems to superiors

Main technologies used: NextJS, TypeSript, Tailwind, Tailwind Material

Aureole IT

October - December 2022

Software Engineer Intern

    Working with other interns as a team.
    Learning about AGILE through a real project
    Group discussion to come up with the best solution for the project

Main technologies used: NextJS, Tailwind, Firebase, Redux


July - October 2022

Front-end Developer Intern

    UI tweaks and updates
    Build CV templates from existing designs

Main technologies used: ReactJS, TypeScript, HTML, CSS


Ton Duc Thang University

October 2020 - Current

Status: Pending Graduation

Software Engineering

GPA: 2.9/4.0 (Latest semester)

ICON Academic Club

March 2022 - March 2024


Aptis ESOL English Certificate

Mar 2024

Overall Level: B2


TWG Developer Team Fouder

July 2023 - Current

Role: Mentor

A group of my friends who have same passion with Web Development. I started to give advise and help them learning about Front-end Development.


Technologies Involved

    Front-end: HTML5(Pug, Haml, Handlebars, EJS), CSS3(SASS, TailwindCSS), JavaScript, TypeScript, ReactJS
    Back-end: NodeJS(ExpressJS), NextJS(Page Router)
    Databases and data modelling: SQL (MS SQL Server, PostgeSQL), NoSQL (MongoDB), Prisma
    Storages: Supabase, Firebase, Planetscale, Neon, Xata
    Hosting: Vercel, Render, Railway, Github Pages
    APIs: tRPC & React Query
    UI libraries: Material UI, Tailwind Material, DaisyUI, ShadCN, Aceternity
    Scripting, terminals and IDE: Bash, Alacritty, Powershell, Visual Studio Code
    Package management and build tools: NPM, ViteJS
    Testing: Vitest, Playwright
    Operating System: Windows, Linux(Pop OS)
    UI Designing: Figma
    Programming languages: C, Python, Java
    Other understandings: OOP, Data analyzing with CSV (Python)


    System Design
    UI/UX Designs


Including all my repositories from the day I started to learn about programming

4CG Online Store

May - June 2022

An online store for clothing businesses built on NextJS. This project is counted as a final exam for the Web Development subject at my university

Technologies used: NextJS, Tailwind, Prisma, MongoDB, Planerscale


May 2023

A Gmail clone website using HTTPS requests instead, among with React for frontend and ExpressJS for server. This project is counted as a final exam for the Advanced Web Development subject at my university

Technologies used: React, MUI, ExpressJS, Prisma, MongoDB

This homepage of Balan Coffee & Roastery is built from scratch using NextJS, Tailwind.

Technologies used: NextJS, Tailwind, Tailwind Material, Prisma

Official website for Aquarium Shop

Technologies used: NextJS, Tailwind, ShadcnUI, Aceternity

***These projects were built by free tools so it may no longer active.

© 2024 Peter Pham. Hosted by Vercel. Built with NextJS and Tailwind.